Knowledgebase: Dealing with Spam
What is a "self-sent" message and what does it have to do with spam?
Posted by David Rutherford on 07 August 2013 03:49 PM
A "self sent" message is an e-mail message originating from outside your organization, where the "from" and "to" addresses are the same. Spammers set the "from" address to match the "to" address in an attempt to spoof the "from" address and side step spam filtering, usually due to white-list settings.

Normally this sort of activity would be "unusual" and a high indication of spam. However, this may not be true if your users work remotely and send their e-mail from servers located outside of your organization.

To block "self-sent" e-mail log into the Web Administrator interface and navigate to Filters > Filter Settings > Sender Tab, and enable "Block self sent e-mail".
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