Generally deletion/scrubbing e-mail messages is not something that
businesses should be doing. However, there may be a requirement for
this functionality when security is a concern.
_PerfectMail_ uses a US DoD compliant process for scrubbing and
PerfectMail has a queue where messages are kept during tranmission.
If there is a message delivery issue the message may remain in the
queue for a period of time. The "Dashboard" displays the number of
messages queued in the "Queue" box, along the righ...
_I have a user who can no longer access their E-mail Activity Report.
How can I manage or reset their Activity Report settings or password?_
You can change the frequency of the Activity Report by adjusting the
personal settings for a user via the Domain ...
Why are some users not receiving self-service reports, like the E-mail
Activity Report, from PerfectMail server? ANSWER:
_E-mail Activity Reports_ and other _Self Service_ features are
discretely configured for specific users. They are conf...